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Digital Glass Scale w/ Anti-slip Tread & Backlight - Health o Meter 810KL
Talking Digital Floor Scale Single - lb/kg - Health o Meter 895KLTS
Digital floor scale with remote display - lb/kg - Health o Meter 752KL
Digital floor scale with remote display - lb/kg - Health o Meter 752KG
See "Power Adapter" Column - Medical Grade - Health o Meter 69-00001
Digital eye-level scale, digital height rod & automatic BMI - Health o Meter 600KL
Digital eye-level scale, digital height rod & automatic BMI - KG Only - Health o Meter 600KG
Digital waist-high stand-on scale w/ height rod - kg - Health o Meter 599KGHR
Portable Digital chair scale - lb/kg * Canada Only* - Health o Meter 594KL-C
553Kl With Mechanical Hr And Cart - Health o Meter 553KLCT-HR
553Kl With Digital Hr And Cart - Health o Meter 553KLCT-EHR
Pediatric digital scale with cart - lb/kg (power adapter not included) - Health o Meter 553KLCT
Pediatric digital scale - lb/kg (power adapter not included) - Health o Meter 553KL
Digital eye-level stand-on scale w/ height rod- lb/kg - Health o Meter 597KL