We offer a various selection of medical equipment from AEDs to anesthesia machines.
Midmark - 282-001-867
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282 Bariatric UltraFree Chair w/ Arms, UltraFree Obsidian - Midmark 282-001-867
Midmark - 425-001
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Five leg Pneumatic Adjustable Stool, w/ Hand Release (Base Only) - Midmark 425-001
Midmark - 002-0274-861
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425/427 UltraFree Back Kit, UltraFree Harbor - Midmark 002-0274-861
Midmark - 002-0273-861
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425/427 UltraFree Seat Cushion, UltraFree Harbor - Midmark 002-0273-861
Midmark - 427-001
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Five Leg pneumatic Adjustable Stool w/ Foot Release Base Only - Midmark 427-001