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HeartSine - 11516-000010

HeartSine Samaritan PAD Hard Case Part Number: 11516-000010Watertight carry case for further protection against drops and for use in a vehicle, swi...

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HeartSine - 11516-000022

HeartSine Samaritan PAD Replacement Soft Carry Case Part Number: 11516-000022Alternate Part Number: PAD-BAG-01HeartSine Samaritan PAD custom design...

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The best things in life are often simple. That’s true for the best lifesaving technology as well.HeartSine is the pioneer of clinically advanced automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for the workplace, public access and home markets. In fact, every AED in use today can trace its roots to technology envisioned and developed by HeartSine technologists.Certainly, HeartSine takes pride as the only manufacturer of automated external defibrillators whose roots date back to the development of the world’s first truly portable, battery-operated defibrillator. It’s a record of innovation unmatched in our industry.But HeartSine didn’t stop there. Today, HeartSine remains extremely vigilant and continue to invent clinically advanced AEDs designed for use by rescuers of all skill levels. At HeartSine, innovation changes lives. And saves lives.It’s lifesaving, pure and simple.Being the technology leader in the global AED industry allows HeartSine to offer the best of all worlds in the clinical performance, durability and cost of ownership of AEDs. As a result of the HeartSine leadership position, the HeartSine Samaritan PAD is recognized around the world for lifesaving technology.HeartSine Products:HeartSine Samaritan PAD 300P with best-in-class first shock conversionsHeartSine Samaritan PAD 500P with clinically optimized CPR feedback (Currently not available in the U.S.A.)HeartSine Samaritan PAD Trainer intuitively designed to optimize retentionHeartSine Personal Defibrillation Unit PDU 400 affordable lifesaving technology for the home (Currently not available in the U.S.A.)***For any HeartSine Products or accessories not found on the website, please call or email***888-228-7564Sales@IntegrisEquipment.com