Everyday more Midmark equipment arrives at our warehouse.
If you're looking for something, we can help! Give us a call at 1 (888) 228-7564 or shoot us an email anytime: Sales@IntegrisEquipment.com
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Exam Table Back Actuator Kit For 625 Barrier-free Power Examination Table - Midmark 002-1183-00
Foot Actuator Kit for 998 Table Series - Midmark 002-0883-00
Foot Rest Shelf Trim Pebble, Examination Table, Model # 222,204,223 - Midmark 053-0828-01
Motor Control Hub PCB - Midmark 015-3071-00
Upholstery, Vinyl, Raw Material, Latte, EA=1yd - Midmark 056-0000-280-860
Table PCB Board Kit, For 75 Universal Procedure Tables - Midmark 002-0775-00
204 Seamless, 28in Upholstery Top, Cranberry - Midmark 002-10138-859
204 Seamless, 28in Upholstery Top, Obsidian - Midmark 002-10138-857
204 Step Assembly Kit, Pebble Grey - Midmark 002-10459-00-216
40" Cable/800N Cylinder Assembly (Peninsula Top) - Midmark 201-5640-30
Bracket Connector Kit, For 230 Power Procedure Table - Midmark 002-0962-01
Midmark - Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment
Midmark Corp. is a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of healthcare, diagnostic, and software products for medical, veterinary, and dental markets.
Products include:
Autoclaves, exam tables, dental chairs, ECGs and EKGs.
***For any Midmark Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment not found on the website, please call or email!!***