Everyday more Midmark equipment arrives at our warehouse.
If you're looking for something, we can help! Give us a call at 1 (888) 228-7564 or shoot us an email anytime: Sales@IntegrisEquipment.com
Midmark - MS200432
Midmark Case, Custom Built Order - Midmark MS200432
Midmark - 002-1913-00-802
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Synthesis Storm Kit, Customer Care Kit, Includes: Installation Guide, User Guide and Stickers that match the Cabinets - Midmark 002-1913-00-802
Midmark - 028-0540-99
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Foot Upholstery, Premium 630, Special (Add Color # in the Comments) - Midmark 028-0540-99
Midmark - A-879-23-420-166
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Heine NT4 Desktop Charger, w/ K180 Halogen Otoscope and K180 Halogen Ophthalmoscope - Midmark A-879-23-420-166
Midmark - A-853-24-420-166
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NT 4 Desktop Charger, BETA® 400 LED Otoscope, BETA® 200 LED Ophthalmoscope (US Only) - Midmark A-853-24-420-166