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Adult/Child Replacement Training Pad Set (2 pads total) with Pad Sensing System for the AED UltraTrainer™
Adult/Child Replacement Training Pad Set, 4-Pack (8 pads total) with Pad Sensing System for the AED UltraTrainer™
Adult/Child Replacement Training Pads (2 pads total) with Pad Sensing System for the Prestan Professional AED Trainer PLUS.
Adult/Child Replacement Training Pads 4-Pack (8 pads total) with Pad Sensing System for the Prestan Professional AED Trainer PLUS.
Clicker for the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin (1 per package)
Clicker for the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin (4 per package)
Clicker for the Prestan Professional Child Manikin (1 per package)
Clicker for the Prestan Professional Child Manikin (4 per package)
Clicker for the Prestan Professional Infant Manikin (1 per package)
Clicker for the Prestan Professional Infant Manikin (4 per package)
Compression Assembly for the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin. Package contains Chest Plate, Screw, Sleeve, Spring and Clicker.
Compression Assembly for the Prestan Professional Child Manikin. Package contains Chest Plate, Sleeve, Spring and Clicker.
Dual-Graphic Training Pads Storage Case for use with the Prestan Professional AED Trainer PLUS.
Face skin replacements for the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin. Package contains four Face Skins.
Face skin replacements for the Prestan Professional Child Manikin. Package contains four Face Skins.
Face skin replacements for the Prestan Professional Infant Manikin. Package contains four Face Skins.
Face skin replacements for the Prestan Professional Adult Jaw Thrust Manikin. Package contains four Face Skins.
Four (4) Pistons for the Prestan Ultralite Manikin (ready to be used with an Ultralite Torso Assembly). Includes Piston Case
Head Assembly for the Prestan Professional Child Manikin (ready to be used with a Torso Assembly)
Head Assembly for the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin (ready to be used with a Torso Assembly)
Head Assembly for the Prestan Ultralite Manikin (ready to be used with an Ultralite Torso Assembly)
Jaw Thrust Head Assemblies for the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin. Package contains four complete Jaw Thrust Heads.
Jaw Thrust Head Assembly for the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin. Package contains one complete Jaw Thrust Head.
Language Module 4-Pack for the Prestan Professional AED Trainer PLUS – English/Spanish.
Language Module for the Prestan Professional AED Trainer PLUS – English/Spanish.